


What is organic cotton?

Organic cotton is grown on farmland free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers for at least three years and is certified by a third-party certifier. Followed by the fossil fuel industry, the apparel industry is the second largest emitter of CO2. The issue we have is not only that thousands of liters of water are used to make one cotton T-shirt, but also water pollution, air pollution, and the use of chemicals that may be potentially carcinogenic or allergenic. 


  • 通常のコットンと比べて、オーガニックコットンは地球温暖化の評価が47%も少ない。
  • 通常のコットンと比べて、オーガニックコットンは酸性雨が70%も少ない。
  • 通常のコットンと比べて、オーガニックコットンは土壌劣化、浸食が26%少ない。
  • 通常のコットンと比べて、オーガニックコットンは農業用水の使用を91%減らした。
  • 通常のコットンと比べて、オーガニックコットンはエネルギー使用量を62%減らした。
    (*アメリカのNPO法人であるTE・テキスタイル・エクスチェンジと環境コンサルタント企業のPE International社がオーガニックコットンと一般綿を比較)

Organic cotton and regular cotton have the following differences in environmental impact:

  • Organic cotton is 47% less likely to cause global warming than regular cotton.
  • Organic cotton has 70% less acid rain than regular cotton.
  • Organic cotton has 26% less soil degradation and land erosion than regular cotton.
  • Organic cotton uses 91% less agricultural water than regular cotton.
  • Organic cotton uses 62% less energy than regular cotton. 
    (*Comparison of organic cotton and regular cotton by a US non-profit organization TE Textile Exchange and an environmental consulting firm PE International)


WRINN がオーガニックコットンを積極的に取り入れるのは、通常のコットンよりもオーガニックコットンの方が環境や身体への悪影響が少なく、地球にも自分の身体にも優しく良い素材であり、有機農地の拡大、水質・水源の保全や土壌改善、そして、オーガニックコットンを作ろうと決めた農家の方々への支援にも繋がります。


WRINN’s policy

WRINN uses organic cotton because we believe it has less negative impact on the environment and our bodies, making it a better material for everybody than regular cotton. It also leads to supporting organic cotton farmers and expanding organic farmland, preserving water quality and water sources, and improving soil quality.

We hope that by wearing WRINN, you can contribute to the environment, feel blessed by the Earth, and pass on the abundance to the future.
